We are back!

We are back!


After more than 1.5 years, Microcoat participated in two job events, on October 5th in Penzberg, Germany and on October 14th in Peißenberg, Germany.

Both events took place as face-to-face events, taking into account the 3G regulation and with a limited number of visitors.

First of all, we talked to many students, their parents and teachers about our training opportunities as biology laboratory technicians and office management assistants. In addition, our trainee gave a great presentation about her training at Microcoat.

In the evening, after a short break, our HR-team welcomed all interested visitors to talk to them about job opportunities and vacancies at Microcoat.

We thank you for your interest and for the informative discussions. It was a pleasure to see and talk to everyone after the long time of online job events.

  • 20Mrz

    Meet us at Analytica 2024

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  • 08Jan

    Low Endotoxin Recovery/Masking Training Course Munich/Bernried, GERMANY

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  • 09Feb

    Monocyte Activation Test (MAT) Munich/Bernried, GERMANY

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  • 09Feb

    Low Endotoxin Recovery/Masking Training Course Munich/Bernried, GERMANY

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  • 17Okt

    Meet us at the PharmaLab 2022 Düsseldorf/Neuss, Germany

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  • 29Sep

    Meet us at the PDA 2022, Pharmaceutical Microbiology Conference in Washington DC

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  • 20Sep

    Meet us at the Aseptikon 2022 Mannheim, Germany

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  • 07Okt

    Job- und Ausbildungsmesse 14.10.2021 11:00 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr in der Tiefenstollenhalle Peißenberg

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  • 29Sep

    Job- und Ausbildungsmesse 05.10.2021 11:30 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr in der Stadthalle Penzberg

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  • 14Mai

    Digitale Jobmesse 2021 der Hochschule Biberach

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