Microcoat now offering Assay Development and Sample Measurement on MSD® Platform

Microcoat expands its technological portfolio by Meso Scale Discovery´s Electrochemiluminescence (MSD-ECL) platform. Based on non-radioactive electrochemiluminescent labels for ultra-sensitive detection, MSD yields higher sensitivity and broader dynamic range compared to ELISA technology. Microcoat offers development of assays from the scratch as well as transfer of classical ELISA formats in addition to method comparison, validation and sample measurement.  Customers profit from our year-long experience in custom-fit optimization and manufacturing of antibody conjugates including MSD´s SULFO-Tag®.

  • 11Jul

    Winner A3P Conference

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  • 17Jun

    Microcoat announces the 10th Monocyte-Activation Test Proficiency Test Program

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  • 02Mai


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  • 20Mrz

    Meet us at Analytica 2024

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  • 08Jan

    Low Endotoxin Recovery/Masking Training Course Munich/Bernried, GERMANY

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  • 25Sep

    Meet us at PDA 2023

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  • 28Aug

    Microcoat announces the 9th Monocyte-Activation Test Proficiency Test Program

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  • 05Jun

    Tag der Ausbildung bei Microcoat. Sei dabei!

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  • 31Mrz

    Mach, was dir gefällt! Microcoat ist Teil des Boys Day

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  • 23Mrz

    Microcoat ist dabei! Ausbildungskampagne #Könnenlernen

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